Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Mother's Day Special on Happy Hour with Etchi

As we know, Mother's Day is on May 10th. We will start the celebration on this Wednesday on Happy Hour with Etchi. I have a beautiful single mother of three young boys, Noelia Marrero. We will be discussing about the endless jobs of being a mother. How our Mothers taught us and raised us. We will touch the subject of how this generation of younger mothers are different. Talking from the upbringings to raising their children today. Nowadays you hear on the news how mothers are killing, misusing, and abusing their child. It is sad. But yes, this is a show you definitely do not want to miss. 

Definition of a Mother: A mother doesn't always like their child, but they LOVE them. From the day they were born, a child will test a mother's patience; that's why a mother's love is defined as unconditional. The meaning of being a mother is virtually endless. A mother is a teacher, provider, doctor, and disciplinary. A mother is the closest thing to God, because they create and give birth (life). A mother is a loving and selfless person, that sacrifices a lot of their wants to better equipped and take care of their children. Being a mother is the hardest but most rewarding job a woman will ever experience!!! 

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