Tuesday, May 12, 2015
KC Poet is Taken her Talent to NYC- Chevalya Ball
So we all know the children rhyme, "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me." There is one KC Poet that has DEFINITELY proved that rhyme wrong. Miss Chevalya Ball has a talent that many wish they had. She writes what is called spoken word. It's deeper than writing a 12 line poems rhyming. Spoken word poetry is poetry written to perform in front of a audience. Because it is performed, this type of poetry tends to demonstrate a heavy use of rhythm, free lancing of words, word play, slang, and the tempo in the voice adds to the mood of the poem. Chevalya Ball is a beast when it comes to the word play and expressing herself.
Of course practice makes perfect. Chevalya has been writing since the age of 14. She stated that writing her feelings down on paper, helped her cope with a lot of pain. As she gotten older, she started realizing that power lies in the power of the tongue, and started to use her voice instead of pen and paper. She uses her talent of Spoken Word Poetry to encourage, uplift, and spread the message that God is real.
I asked what or who is her biggest motivation; her answer, her beautiful three kids. Now as focused as ever, she is now chasing her dreams and won't stop until she makes it. Taking what she has been through she has created a team called Team MirrorView, " I see me, but can you see you?" Stop and reread that. It's power in that. Team MirrorView focuses on spreading the message of taking a mirror and to see yo for you because that is where the change starts. Within yourself!
Motivated to move souls, Chevalya will be blessing New York this week with her words of encouragement. With her taking the leap of faith her goal is to try to go nationwide so poetry can be heard on the radio. Through Christ All things are Possible!!
Before she leaves on Thursday, she will be in the building on Happy Hour with Etchi from 5-6 pm CST on May 15,2015 spitting and reaching souls with her words of encouragement. Plus we are going to talk about her trip to NYC and Team MirrorView. You don't want to miss out because the woman is not only talented, but very inspirational. Her words are powerful. Plus KC we have to show our people some love and support.
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