Monday, May 11, 2015

Meet the International Haitian DJ, Vico DjFlip - On Show 5/13/15

For nine years, Vico DjFlip has thrown a Haitian Flag and Haitian Independence Day event in Kansas City, Mo. But for the first time he will be traveling 1,461 miles to Miami, FL. Book your flight now; Vico will be taking his talent as a DJ to Miami. It is the city where over 40,000 Haitian descents resides!!! 

Vico DjFlip was born in Haiti. Him and his family came to the US when he was 11 years old. He had stated that he was one among those who was blessed to have traveled to the US with his whole family. Many weren't able to do that.The family moved to the US with the motivation to have a better life. Education was #1. In Haiti education cost; but in the US it was free. His parents did what was best for their family. 
In our initial greet, he made it clear, "My Love for my Country and Flag is like going to the moon and back." 

I asked him, when did he discover the love of music. He explained that he had grown up in a Christian home and going to service hyped him up due to the beat of the drums and the rest of the instruments. So at the age of 12 he began singing in the church choir. By 16 him and a couple of his friends started a group. Tapping into his singing and rapping skills! He was that teenager walking down the street carrying their stereo around blasting music. Vico started attending events playing music that no one heard before. That lead him  to making mixed cds. His choice f music started attracting a crowd so he started throwing house parties to Receptions. But the day Vico really realized his passion as a DJ, was in 2006 when he DJ for the Haitian Independence Party. Vico DjFlip ended with, " After that year, I felt like nothing could stop me. So I kept it going and its still going!"

Make sure you tune in to Happy Hour with Etchi on May 15, 2015. Not only will we be chatting with Vico DjFlip, but he will also be spinning the 1's and 2's ALL hour!! 

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