What do you look forward most after graduating high school? That's a question seniors hear all the time. Whether your plans include college, heading straight to the workforce, or even taking a year off, it's all nerve wrecking. High School graduation is very important because it is the start of a new journey!
Of course parents like to hear that their child will be going straight to college after high school. That's a ultimate goal and dream in any parents life. Some students see college as a major goal, when in all reality it is simply a stepping stone to bigger life achievements. Part of the adventure is figuring out who you are and your worth value. Some think that once they go to college, it's party time!! Yes you are an adult, and but if you are not focused and dedicated it's easy to be back on the 1st train back home.
Going to college is a stepping stone; but actually graduating is an ACHIEVEMENT. Congrats to College Graduates!!! So, what's next for you after college?
This is Graduation Season. We have kids going from Middle School to High School, High School to College, and last but not least College Students graduating. On Wednesday, 5/20 I will have a College Graduate, Shianna Burgett in the building. This woman is very smart and educated.
Attended University of Central Missouri (UCM) for both undergraduate and graduate studies. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English and her Master of Arts in Teaching with a certification in Secondary English (9-12). She has considered furthering her education at Indiana State University for an Urban Education Studies Doctoral Program.
I asked her about her future plans, she smiled and said she loves serving. Meaning, she loves working in the realm of education and social services. Ultimately, she wants to start a foundation that serves underprivileged youth and young adults who are willing and ready to take an active role in becoming successful in all realms of their lives. Services will range from career and interview preparation to tutoring and financial assistance.
Shianna Burgette is a young educated African American woman. Women Empowerment best describe this 25 year old. She has goals and aspiration.
Last question I ask, " What is your purpose in Life" She didn't have to stop and think about it, she said, "I plan on building my expertise through experiences in both the education system and urban community. Ah! I'm just a young girl trying to make a difference in my community."
Make sure you tune into Happy Hour with Etchi this Wednesday to hear her journey and the advice she can give those who are starting their first year of college this August.