Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Brandoshis will be in the Building on 4/29/15

Make sure you tune in on 4/29/15 and get to know Brandoshis and his music! He is a great Music Artist. To label his music with a specific genre would be insufficient as he simply transcends genres to create that is his own. He has a mix of Club dancing, rapping, and singing. This artist is currently receiving spins in the clubs a s well as on the radio. Residing in Kansas City, MO; an area that is known for its rich history of music. 
Brandoshis began recording shortly after high school. He started performing at venues, skate rinks, and schools in states such as: Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Texas. Brandoshis has been the opening act for B-Hamp, Charlie Boy, DJ Yung Nation, Kirko Bangz, Hakeem the Dream, Louisiana Ca$h, and many more. During this tour of being he was invited to attend 106 & Park and the BET Awards, where he was had the honor to sit on the second row. Shortly after, he was featured in the ATL HotBlock Magazine and won a award for best upcoming NEW artist. 
Brandoshis is currently working on his first original Mixtape. He is certainly a dedicated young man who stays working hard and is currently on tour now.

Again, I have TWO great artists who will be in the building. Both talented, ambitious, and from KCMO!!!! Hands UP!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

I've Officially Been Immortalized.... Happy Hour with Etchi Logo...

This logo will be ALL over the place... I'm speaking it to existence on 4/27/15
I thank Thomas the Designer Ross (Graphic Designer who was on the show on 4/1/15) for taking the time to make a dream into reality!! 
Business cards, shirts, and hats will be out soon. To inquire about any apparel, contact me on Facebook/ Happy Hour with Etchi
Thank you for your support!!

Pics from show on 4/22

The goofiness that goes on in the studio
Allie and Tellz enjoying themselves
1st Lady, Allie.... Etchi... Tellz ( After the show) 
Love shouldn't be defined as male and female. It's clear to see these ladies are happy!! Four years strong... Beautiful
Had a blast with this beautiful couple
Things got hot!! You see I'm shocked. lol

Stand Up!! It's Time to Acknowledge KC's Best MCs: Holly Mayfield will be in the Studio on 4/29/15

And it falls in this order: Man first, Hustler second, and Artist ALL day. The streets made Antwon Smith but Hip-Hop created Holly Mayfield. He can be described as the humblest, hungriest, and hard working under-rated hip hop legends in music. Born in Chicago, IL, Holly learned from a young age life wasn't always the, "American Dream." With no father figure, and mother being a single parent; he watched as his mother pinched pennies and go through all the struggles Chi-town was made of. Where boys were taught to be men by ten, Holly joined the lifestyle that could only lead to two places: jail or the grave. Getting everything fast but watching everything moving: it was the block where he then started recognizing his witty wordplay and sharpened his spitting skill in more than one way. Noticing a change in him, his mother uprooted him from his childhood home, Chicago to another city dear to his evolution, Kansas City,MO. Trying to get on the right path, and redeem himself, he graduates from Northside High, and attended college, just to drop out and pursue his passion....
With Holly's influences of artist being Billie Holiday, Michael Jackson,Biggie, and the likes of Jay-Z, he then created his own his own style, "Trapper turned Rapper with a Slight Dapper." With more than ten discography under his belt, Holly still remains humble. His latest, "Underdog" EP not only shows him being transparent and technical, but in tuned to the new age generation. When asked, "Where do you see yourself in the future of Hip-Hop with it being such a hard industry to break into?" He simply replies, "No matter if I make or not, I am following my the passion I've had since a child, and that's music." He ends it with a laugh and say, "But believe me, I'm going to make it!!!"

The man is talented!!! Make sure to tune into, "Happy Hour with Etchi" on www.gennmedia.com or tunein.com/gennmediaradio on 4/29/15 from 5-6 pm CST. If you have never heard his music, 4/29 will be the time to do so..... Plus you know I'll be asking all the questions and really getting to know, Mr. Holly Mayfield.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

HOT TOPIC!!!! Get into the mind of a Intergaycial Couple on 4/22/15

Tomorrow will be a hot topic. The reason I say this because gay marriage is still not fully accepted in the community. Yes we have certain states that have finally legalized it, but yet they are still being looked down upon. The government is asking about the well being children growing up in that type of environment. It seems OK to be a couple that swings, or for Ole dude to have a girlfriend that has a girlfriend. but what not OK for a gay couple to be happily in love? Uhmm...I know in the New and Old Testament of the Bible , it states that a man and woman should be married as one; but time has changed. If one loves that person, man to man, woman to woman; who are we to judge?

I have this beautiful Intergaycial couple coming in the building so we can discuss the challenges and the good of being not only a lesbian couple but an interracial lesbian couple. I met them about 2 years ago. They are the happiest, I've seen any couple: gay or straight? Tellz and Allie have been together for over 3 years. They met over facebook and over time met and their hearts immediately connected. Of course at the beginning their relationship they had friends who had their own opinions. Tellz friends thought Allie was Boogey ( we'll ask her what that means in detail!) and Allie friends thought Tellz was a little to hood for the Country gal! But they have shown and taught each other so many different things. Things they've never seen before. Til this day they still do: Allie say, that's what keeps them going!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I want to thank  Dash for coming in the building, supporting GENN MEDIA 

It got HOT in the place!!! Had a lot of Fun

10 years of friendship.... D. Clyde and A. Bonnie until the Wheels Fall Off !!!!

Of Course my #1 supporter was in the building... Every Mother needs that Child 

2015 iS MY Year!!!

               So, I'm sitting here at Applebee's in Grandview, MO and preparing for the show for tonight. I'm smiling and recapping my previous year;  I have to say I am truly blessed in the year of 2015. Last year was so rocky from family to going to jail for stupidity. I've grown and learn so much. As a young woman, I use to think I knew everything and NO ONE could tell me what to do and how to do it. But then I started going through things that would later break me down, almost took me to a state of depression. Yes, I was raised in church but my faith was not strong enough. I questioned God and we all know you aren't suppose to do that. October 2014 I remember drinking my life away, called my ex husband and told him I think he should take care of our son, and mentioned that I wasn't a good mother and I couldn't go on with life. This was coming from a very educated African-American woman, but chose to make the wrong decisions and couldn't live with them. My pride was too big to actually go to family and talk to them. Hell, I didn't want to be judged but loved. But we all feel that no one is on our side when we are depressed and going through turmoil. Beginning of November, my mother came over to my house and wanted to talk. We talked for hours. She was telling me her testimonies ranging from; relationships to leaning on God. She knew exactly where I was coming from. She has been through it and knew how to endure the pain. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking like; why hadn't I talk to this woman of God months ago? Why do I hold all my pain in? My mother said, " Stacia, you gotta pray for that Crazy Faith." Those words stuck with me. November 2014 I got baptized, I gave my life to God. From that day forth, I read my Bible everyday, me and my son pray before and after school, I'm more faithful into church, and I'm paying my offering and tithes. Showing that I'm thankful for ALL HIS marvelous works!!
                 January 2015 comes, and babyyyyy, life has been more than what I can ask for. I pray everyday for that Crazy Faith. I may not be rich, but I'm not struggling, and I'm happy. My confidence is bigger than ever. I know I'm a GOOD Mother. Doors has opened up in my life that I never knew was possible. I now have my own radio show, I'm enrolled in school, working on my Master's in Business Management. I promote and host parties. I'm Happy!!! I'm blessed!! 2015 is MY YEAR and NO ONE can take that from me. I want to thank EVERYONE for ALWAYS believing in me. I'm a Go-Getter. Will never stop!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tune in Wednesday 4/15/15.... Dash will be in the Building!!

Born and raised in the streets of Kansas City MO, Darryl Reed II would became fascinated with fast money. The infatuation took him from top athletic prospect to just another homie in the hood; but as a educated young man he knew that it was only a matter of time before he ended up either in jail or dead. So he decided to pick up a pen and pad and express his struggle lyrically wise. At age 16 he was recording songs with his best friend and cousin. He never took rap seriously seriously until he left the state for college and experienced life outside the box. In college he met Candice a.k.a Mama C, Martez a.ka. MC, and Josh a.k.a J-Manell.... With these three individuals he perfected his style of rap. He left KC metropolitan area as D-Coy, and returned as Dash. Now he has released two mix tapes, Cash N Crime Vol. 1 and 2.
Make sure you tune in on Wednesday and hear Dash's story and music; because I'm about to get all in his business!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Place for the 80's Babies- TAPCADE

Last week I met up with a friend of mine for lunch. When I entered the building, I just felt like I went back in time to the 80's. My eyes went big and I ran straight to the original Mortal Kombat Game. Yes! I said that right the ORIGINAL arcade game. The place was filled with all the 80's arcade games from Ninja Turtle to PAC-Man. All you can play for $5. This amazing place is called, Tapcade located in the Crossroads: 1701 McGee St , Kansas City,MO. The atmosphere is laid back but a touch of class. Their selection of tap beer is amazing. The place has been open a little over two months and is the place to be at when the little kid wants to come out; but you still want a drink because you're over 21 lol.... The food also is unique. They are known for their Burritos. Why? Well, the burritos are really sandwiches such as: Philly steak Sandwich and to add a twist, they put fries in it so you have a sandwich and fries wrapped in a tortilla. Brilliant!!!

So if you're in the area and the kid wants to come out; you have to stop by Tapcade and experience the 80's all over again!!! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Tonight show on GENN Media we had KC own, Graphic Designer, Mr. Thomas Ross. He educated us on how to further your your career as a graphic designer. Telling us the definition of art. I want to thank him for coming on the show at such short notice. For him to be a " Behind the Scene" type of guy he did excellent!!! Contact him if you have dreams and visions of your company prospering.

Graphic Designer, Thomas Ross in the studio today

Thomas Ross and Etchi. Thank you for coming out on short notice. The man is talented!! 

My #1 Fan, Tre. My son and Thomas Ross, Graphic Designer in KC

The show was a great success. of course my # 1 supporter was in the studio 

Behind the scene. Can't bite my swag 

Acting silly. My type of music playing after the show. Did I tell you guys I was a dancer lol