Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Are you with or against Gay Marriage and Gay/Lesbian Relationships?

I was asked today, how do I feel about gay/lesbian relationships. Am I against same sex marriage? Now I had to stop and think about many factors here. 1. I was talking to a gay couple , so I had to choose my words wisely. 2. Do they really want to hear my opinion or are they just seeking for someone to agree with them?
 I explained to them that I'm not against it but I don't totally agree with it. It's not me sleeping with the same sex gender all day, it's them. That's their business. So I know I grew up in church and there in the book of Genesis, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. But I feel like so much has changed in society. I'm not disagreeing with the Bible, I'm just saying that now its different. Society has accepted so much, thanks to the media. Folks can do whatever they want to nowadays. What's crazy is that every channel on TV is basically advertising gay marriages. Sending subliminal messages to our kids that its okay to be "out of the closet".
Example, last week episode (2/25) of Empire, the middle child remade Lucious song to expose that he didn't care about his fathers thoughts of him, he was coming out that he is gay. We have rappers coming out that they are gay. Orange is the New Black has the first openly black transgender actor, Laverne Cox. Lesbian relationships are more acceptable to men because its described as "sexy", "My girl got a girlfriend" So you see what I'm saying when I say its plastered all over the place , "ITS OK TO BE GAY" To some its not. Its against the Bible. Its a sin and shouldn't be legalized. But to others they will argue, they were born gay. It's who they are. They're happy... 
By the end of our conversation, everyone had they're on opinion and feelings about this topic. The conflict over same sex marriage and gay/lesbian relationships is a big one because of the many social and legal factors involved. What is your opinion about this topic?

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