Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hosted MizzNekol #TGIRTOUR in Joplin, MO on 3/27/15

Photo Credit: Matt Diamond Photographer

I was honored when MizzNekol called me and asked me to host her concert, The Grind is Real Tour. It was held at Club XO in Joplin,MO on 3/27/15. The crowd was hot! I love what I do: From meeting new people to hyping the crowd up. They showed me much love. The social butterfly that I am is just starting to spread her wings and fly in success. Gone with the Wind. 


"I want you to be on the next show" - Etchi 

My Biggest Fan, Tre. My son is my motivation. He sat and watched Mama take care of business and went to sleep lol
I want him to know, you are suppose to work hard for what you want in life. Work Hard, Play Hard.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Laugh Your A** Off Wednesday with Ms. Delia King

On April 1st we have the talented Comedian, Ms. Delia King coming through. Her first appearance was at Club 700 in KCMO on 2013 where there she did open mic. Her facial expressions and great jokes landed her on the stage with Comedian Cortez in "Laughing Ur Leggings Off" and "Laughing Ur Leggings Off" Part 2. When not on the stage she is a full time Cosmetologist and All Time Funny Girl, so don't get offended when you're in her presence; cracking jokes on anyone and anything is her thang! Make sure you  tune in with your tissue box beside; because YOU WILL BE LAUGHING A** OFF! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Who is Etchi?????

So I started this show Happy Hour with Etchi three weeks ago. I've come out of no where interrupting the flow of music GENN audience were listening to. Yes, you're right; I didn't quite introduce myself on the first show. Well, you have the opportunity to get to know me... A little... lol
On March 25, 2015 Happy Hour with Etchi will be on www.gennmedia.com from 5-6pm CST and I'll be in the hot chair. I'm the girl everyone wants to be around. The life of the party, Mrs. Fashionista with my own style. Duende touched. What does Duende mean? Find out tomorrow!

Friday, March 20, 2015









Wednesday, March 18, 2015

ST PATTY'S DAY on 3/17/15

Every year there is a BIG celebration on Main St in Kansas City MO on March 17th. Everyone in the city comes out and eat, drink, and enjoy themselves... I love the entertainment from radio stations to drill teams marching and dancing down the street. It's usually very cold but yesterday was a little windy and chilly.... I really enjoyed myself. I am proud to say that I'm from Kansas City MO .... The Show Me State

Sunday, March 15, 2015

It's Going Down in GENN Studio

Make sure you tune into Happy with Etchi on 3/18/15 from 5-6pm CST. We will have four of the best MC's hailing from Kansas City, MO in our studio, holding it down. Topic of the evening: The Effect that Hip-Hop and Rap have on our Generation. Plus we're gonna see who's really on their P's and Q's , with a Freestyle Battle. O yea, you don't want to miss it!!

Next Week Guests- Some of Kansas City Best MC's

The Abnorm.. Photo credit: Matt Diamond photography
The Abnorm is Born & Raised in Kansas city MO. Known for his sophisticated ignorance and thought provoking lyrics. Recently dropped an album, "The Dark Ages" LP

Soopa Mooni Downz 
Since the age of 12, Soopa Mooni Downz has been writing music, and producing since age of 15. Starting from a group of seven and now down to just himself. Downz has big dreams on making it big time. Mostly known for his cool, laid back, yet raspy voice. His approach on songs are him telling stories from his life with no fear of exploiting self faults. He is looking to branch out and make some noise in the industry with a host of tracks floating around the "interverse." 

MizzNekol... Photo credit: Matt Diamond Photography
Of course, I have to represent for the ladies... When it comes to hard work and ethic, TGIR Ent's, MizzNekol is the total definition! The Multi- Talented Icon is more than just Beats and Rhymes. She's known for her versatility and "Go Getta" mentality. She paved her way with an unconditional love and focus on the business of her craft itself, began producing her own hit tracks, while learning the basics of audio engineering. Now she has formed her self made label and production company, The Grind is Real Ent., branding a whole new perspective for independent women and Artists. I'll say she something like a Queen Latifah, MC Lite mixed with some Salt n Pepper. When asked her motivation: it's simple, with family and microphone being her most..... Everything else delete. 
You don't want to miss KC's FemCee. 

Quarter from the Valley 
My first guest, Quarter from the Valley  is the owner of record label, Heat Advisory Records. He's an artist and producer. He states that he likes all music, as long as it makes musical sense. His music is classified as Hip-Hop. All that he writes, or raps about is real for EVERY situation.The man is lyrically talented!! If I was to sum his style of music, I'll say it's something like; OutKast, UGK, with a lil Juicy J, Two Chain spin on it!!! You don't want to miss it.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


"Happy Hour with Etchi"- Great turn out on first show

 Last night show was a great turn out. I want to thank Atty Stacy Shaw for showing GENN Media some love and stopping through. This is the beginning of great beginnings!!!
Have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Carribean Food


The weather is beautiful and I felt real exotic today. I wanted something different, spicy, and NOT fast food. So I headed to KCMO Main District and went to dine at Awaze located on 3415 Main. This restaurant/lounge is a fusion of  Ethiopia and Caribbean. Yes, this spot is popular in the night life for the live DJ and dancing until 3 am but the owner, Pablo wants to be known also as having a restaurant in the day time. This man cooks the BEST GREENS EVER and I eats my soul food and know what good greens are. But to have no onions and/or pork inside of them and their still flavor-able?! Uhmm hmmm hmmm.... Is all I can say. Today I had some Curry Chicken, fried plantains, beans and rice and greens. Delicious!!! When you walk into Awaze, you are greeted with Caribbean music and elaborate paintings. The environment had me feeling like I was on the Island. If you've never eaten there, go!! It's affordable and delicious..... Hmm, maybe I can bring the owner on  my show? We'll see. Gotta get back to eating.


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Beyoncé - Run the World (Girls)


IWD is now an official holiday in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China (for women only), Cuba, Georgia, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar (for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal (for women only), Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zambia. The tradition sees men honouring their mothers, wives, girlfriends, colleagues, etc with flowers and small gifts. In some countries IWD has the equivalent status of Mother's Day where children give small presents to their mothers and grandmothers.
The new millennium has witnessed a significant change and attitudinal shift in both women's and society's thoughts about women's equality and emancipation. 
Great improvements have been made. We do have female astronauts and prime ministers, school girls are welcomed into university, women can work and have a family, women have real choices. And so the tone and nature of IWD has, for the past few years, moved from being a reminder about the negatives to a celebration of the positives.
Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all around the world ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities and networking events through to local women's craft markets, theatric performances, fashion parades and more.
So make a difference, think globally and act locally !! Make everyday International Women's Day. Do your bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.
About International Women's Day 2015 - Glenda Stone re. Global IWD Arts


My Mother, Sarah and I
My Bestie, Tireese and I 

My Bday Cake from 509 Entertainment

(Left to Right)
Mother, Me,and Aunt Kim 

This has far most been the best birthday week ever!!! My birthday is March 5th.
Yes... You guessed it right, I'm a Certified Pisces. 
For those that has no clue about a Pisces:

Pisces in a Nutshell:

Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify drug use by allowing it to get closer with their 'spiritual selves'. Once they aware this is why they are doing it, it will be easier to kick the habit. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs.

Anyone that knows me, know I LOVE my birthday. My family and friends really made me feel special this whole week!!! I thank you guys... Let me tell you; I started on 3/1/15 and have officially ended on 3/8/15... Last night was my birthday party at Awaze on 3415 Main in KCMO; an International Restaurant and Lounge. I danced my night away... 

I thank God for allowing me to see another year!
With that being said; Happy Sunday!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Are you with or against Gay Marriage and Gay/Lesbian Relationships?

I was asked today, how do I feel about gay/lesbian relationships. Am I against same sex marriage? Now I had to stop and think about many factors here. 1. I was talking to a gay couple , so I had to choose my words wisely. 2. Do they really want to hear my opinion or are they just seeking for someone to agree with them?
 I explained to them that I'm not against it but I don't totally agree with it. It's not me sleeping with the same sex gender all day, it's them. That's their business. So I know I grew up in church and there in the book of Genesis, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. But I feel like so much has changed in society. I'm not disagreeing with the Bible, I'm just saying that now its different. Society has accepted so much, thanks to the media. Folks can do whatever they want to nowadays. What's crazy is that every channel on TV is basically advertising gay marriages. Sending subliminal messages to our kids that its okay to be "out of the closet".
Example, last week episode (2/25) of Empire, the middle child remade Lucious song to expose that he didn't care about his fathers thoughts of him, he was coming out that he is gay. We have rappers coming out that they are gay. Orange is the New Black has the first openly black transgender actor, Laverne Cox. Lesbian relationships are more acceptable to men because its described as "sexy", "My girl got a girlfriend" So you see what I'm saying when I say its plastered all over the place , "ITS OK TO BE GAY" To some its not. Its against the Bible. Its a sin and shouldn't be legalized. But to others they will argue, they were born gay. It's who they are. They're happy... 
By the end of our conversation, everyone had they're on opinion and feelings about this topic. The conflict over same sex marriage and gay/lesbian relationships is a big one because of the many social and legal factors involved. What is your opinion about this topic?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Phrase of the Day

Enough said!!! .... A Word of Encouragement

Personal Empowerment

What is personal empowerment? 
Personal empowerment is looking into the mirror and knowing exactly who you really are. Asking yourself, " Self. Who am I?" Become more aware of yourself as an individual. Being yourself. Standing out. Being different!! Empowerment simply means to become powerful. When building personal empowerment; you have to reflect on your personal values, skills, goals, and having to adjust or even change your behavior in order to achieve your goals. 

In order to to gain personal empowerment, you must develop your confidence and set realistic goal. Currently being in school for Business Management; I've learned to set S.M.A.R.T goals 
S. Specific (WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?)
M. Measurable (Time frame. Set a deadline)
A. Achievable (Measurable tasks. Realistic)
R. Relevant ( Does this goal have any significance to others around you? Family? Children?)
T. Timely (Have a deadline. Confirm due dates)
                                           Goal setting is essential for success!! 

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and a range of skills that are used in everyday situations; but all too often people remain unaware of, or undervalue their true abilities. There are many dimensions to personal empowerment. 

Self-Awareness: This involves understanding our character and how we are likely to respond to situations. Being honest with yourself. Learning who you are by observing which commitments you choose to keep and which one you choose to avoid. Being self-aware, one makes conscious decisions to enhance their lives and take what was done in the past and make that into a lesson learn.

Values: Can be opinions or beliefs that are important to us as an individual. It is ones judgement of what is important in life. The reasons we may prefer one thing over another, or choose one course of action over another, may not always be obvious or known. Our values may be different from those of others; but nevertheless our values are important to us. 

Skills: Your skills are different from mine! One's skills are the main resource which enables you to achieve your goals. Skills can be gained through experience, practice, education, and training. Developing such skills that one values can then be implemented into action.

Information: Knowledge or information is essential in the development of self-awareness and skills. Knowing what you are talking about. Know where to find appropriate information. Being knowledgeable helps both in your personal and working lives. There are many resources that provides a huge amount of information; The internet, Encyclopedias, Documentaries, Cultures, and the list continues. Its just important to make sure you find accurate and reliable information.

Goals: Setting goals is the first step of taking charge of your life. It gives you a sense of direction in life, this direction is essential to personal empowerment.

Languange: Language is the method of human communication; whether its in written or spoken form. The use of language is how individuals express themselves. Talking and/or listening can be empowering to both yourself and the individual you are communication with. The use of positive and active language reflects on the person's self image. Speaking positive about yourself and others, acknowledging your strengths and weakness, and implying position actions rather than vague statements and rude comments, are all empowering

Confidence: Having the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone; trust. Have to build your self confidence up and take over your life. The sky is the limit!! 

At the end of the day; developing personal empowerment can't be done overnight or even in a day, one should view personal empowerment as an on- going self development. As each day goes by,and new circumstances arises; remember, there is always room to learn, grow, and succeed!
