Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sherman Johnson was born and raised in the streets of Wyandotte County in KCK. Violence, drugs, and crime was all through the streets in which Sherman grew up in. Being blessed to have both of his parents in his life, they quickly realized that moving out of the hood was going to be the best way to keep him from being another "statistic". Although he was finally out the hood, he still had his peers there, and wanted to inspire them to get out while they could. 
Shaun John tha Hustler's approach to the music industry, was the same way he became a boss in the streets. Forming the Twilight Gang rap and the Black Diamond Clothing line, Shaun John is on the fast track to becoming a mogul in the industry. Shaun is a growing inspiration to his community and more importantly the daily struggles of today black males.
A strong message to black males that he is trying to get across, " I want my message to be that it's a better way other than a thug lifestyle. You have a choice as a person. You have a choice as a black man. I want kids to know you can overcome anything with faith and dedication."
In 2014, Shaun tha Hustler released his first internet album, Audio Crack. It is Shaun's point of views of how the streets were when he was growing up. This early in the grind, he has proven that he has the drive and ambition to become a successful artist. 
Make sure you tune in this Wednesday, 6/3/2015 from 5-6 pm CST to Happy Hour with Etchi for more info about both his clothing line and music!! 

Brandoshis Video Release- "Slowoa"

Brandoshis came through on Happy Hour with Etchi last month, and played this song on the air. This is my favorite song by him, an he just released the video. So it's only right I show him some love and share it with my followers. Want to hear more of music, check him out on facebook Brandoshis, and also he has a lot of videos on YouTube. 

Kid Swagga will be in the Building on 6/3/2015

Make sure you tune in on Wednesday to Happy Hour with Etchi. "The Turn Up King" himself  will be in the building. This artist was born and raised in Kansas City, MO. Attending Ruskin High School, he and a couple of friends were dance performers. He always drove the ladies wild. The Man got swag and his energy on the stage is great. He started rapping at age 10; so he mixed in his passion for dance and his talent of rap and there you have it, KID SWAGGA!!! He has currently dropped his album, "The No Name Album", and has been promoting it through his tours around the Midwest. Tune in on Wednesday from 5-6 pm CST to hear his music and to find out more about the upcoming artist.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pics from Last Night Interview

From left to right..... UCM Graduate, Shianna Burgett, Owner of Hero's New York Griddle, Daniel Marrero, My #1 Supporter, Tre Carter and Myself 

Blessed to have the opportunity to do something I LOVE to do. Wednesdays are my FAVORITE day of the week

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

ALL My Grads STAND UP!!! - Shianna Burgett

What do you look forward most after graduating high school? That's a question seniors hear all the time. Whether your plans include college, heading straight to the workforce, or even taking a year off, it's all nerve wrecking. High School graduation is very important because it is the start of a new journey! 
Of course parents like to hear that their child will be going straight to college after high school. That's a ultimate goal and dream in any parents life. Some students see college as a major goal, when in all reality it is simply a stepping stone to bigger life achievements. Part of the adventure is figuring out who you are and your worth value. Some think that once they go to college, it's party time!! Yes you are an adult, and but if you are not focused and dedicated it's easy to be back on the 1st train back home. 
Going to college is a stepping stone; but actually graduating is an ACHIEVEMENT. Congrats to College Graduates!!! So, what's next for you after college?
This is Graduation Season. We have kids going from Middle School to High School, High School to College, and last but not least College Students graduating. On Wednesday, 5/20 I will have a College Graduate, Shianna Burgett in the building. This woman is very smart and educated. 
Attended University of Central Missouri (UCM) for both undergraduate and graduate studies. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English and her Master of Arts in Teaching with a certification in Secondary English (9-12). She has considered furthering her education at Indiana State University for an Urban Education Studies Doctoral Program. 
I asked her about her future plans, she smiled and said she loves serving. Meaning, she loves working in the realm of education and social services. Ultimately, she wants to start a foundation that serves underprivileged youth and young adults who are willing and ready to take an active role in becoming successful in all realms of their lives. Services will range from career and interview preparation to tutoring and financial assistance.
Shianna Burgette is a young educated African American woman. Women Empowerment best describe this 25 year old. She has goals and aspiration. 
Last question I ask, " What is your purpose in Life" She didn't have to stop and think about it, she said, "I plan on building my expertise through experiences in both the education system and urban community. Ah! I'm just a young girl trying to make a difference in my community." 

Make sure you tune into Happy Hour with Etchi this Wednesday to hear her journey and the advice she can give those who are starting their first year of college this August.

KC Gets a Taste of NYC Dominic Dishes

In Kansas City, MO, Power & Light and Westport are big spots to drink and enjoy yourself. After 2 am, there are 100's of hungry people walking around in search for food. There are at least a dozen kitchen trailers that ranges from Hot dogs to Giros. If one parties every weekend, you get tired of seeing the same trailers, sale the same food. Well, turn that frown upside down because the wait is over! KC is about to get hit with some good ole' Dominican Dishes.
Daniel Marrero is the owner of Hero's New York Griddle. It's a 16X8 family owned and operated kitchen trailer serving classic American meals with a variety of Dominican dishes. It's been a year in the making for Hero's to come to KCMO. The family is not only excited for the new venture of the business, but also for the reaction of the people. See, what sets them apart from other food trucks here in KC is their Dominican food. Hero's NY Griddle will be the first food trailer to sale Dominican food in the State of Missouri. No competition!!! 
Plus in our initial meet, Mr. Marrero stated that he guarantee that the public will hunt them down to get a plate of their finger lickin' daily special meals. I'm excited. Are you?
They intend on doing business locally in Kansas City and Independence area. They also cater!! Like their page on Facebook: facebook.com/herosnewyorkgriddle and also follow on Twitter to get their location; @herosnygriddle. Check them out on social media for the grand opening event specials. I was told to try their succulent roast pork and slamming empanadas. Uhmm... hmmm... Sounds tasty!!
So now you have it, Hero's New York Griddle will be bringing NY street eats to the corners of KC and Independence, MO.
The Marrero's will be in the building on Wednesday, 5/20 from 5-6 pm on Happy Hour with Etchi to discuss more about the business. Make sure you tune and welcome Hero's to KCMO